Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus!

Christmas is so much more than receiving gifts. We have the most special gift which is having Jesus being born. What would I do without him? I would have no strength. I am so glad that I have God in my life. I would be nothing without him. He has blessed my life in so many ways. I am truly humble to his glory and blessings that he shows me. His mercy and grace for a better design in my life. For all his children is passed love from him in so many ways. I was so blessed at my job as well. I received so many nice and thoughtful gifts that meant so much to me. I am so humble to the precious gifts because it did not have to be done. It showed me that I was appreciated. It was such a blessing and I can't thank them enough because I have been going through some storms and this was a big blessing. I hope everyone has a blessed day.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve!!!!

Hello world. Well it's Christmas eve. I have been baking sweets to take over my mothers all evening. It's freezing outside but I am so hot I have the air on at my house. Call me crazy and I will answer maybe!! LOL! Anyways. I will post pictures of some of the foods I fixed. I really out did my self this year. I hope that people will sit back and remember the whole reason for Christmas. Happy Birthday Jesus.
Here is this picture is some Christmas stockings I filled with cool gifts. They sell for $10 on my website. You are to late now though unless you want a belated Christmas gift. I will see what I can get together for you.

I will be starting off the new year with a new blog with more exciting things. Be watching out. Peace and blessings to you during this holiday season.
Please come back and check for new postings daily starting Jan 1st, 2011.
-Video Tutorials on:
Nail Art
and so much more!!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus!

Posted by Zaundra at 4:12 AM 0 comments

Christmas is so much more than receiving gifts. We have the most special gift which is having Jesus being born. What would I do without him? I would have no strength. I am so glad that I have God in my life. I would be nothing without him. He has blessed my life in so many ways. I am truly humble to his glory and blessings that he shows me. His mercy and grace for a better design in my life. For all his children is passed love from him in so many ways. I was so blessed at my job as well. I received so many nice and thoughtful gifts that meant so much to me. I am so humble to the precious gifts because it did not have to be done. It showed me that I was appreciated. It was such a blessing and I can't thank them enough because I have been going through some storms and this was a big blessing. I hope everyone has a blessed day.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve!!!!

Posted by Zaundra at 6:46 PM 0 comments

Hello world. Well it's Christmas eve. I have been baking sweets to take over my mothers all evening. It's freezing outside but I am so hot I have the air on at my house. Call me crazy and I will answer maybe!! LOL! Anyways. I will post pictures of some of the foods I fixed. I really out did my self this year. I hope that people will sit back and remember the whole reason for Christmas. Happy Birthday Jesus.
Here is this picture is some Christmas stockings I filled with cool gifts. They sell for $10 on my website. You are to late now though unless you want a belated Christmas gift. I will see what I can get together for you.

I will be starting off the new year with a new blog with more exciting things. Be watching out. Peace and blessings to you during this holiday season.
Please come back and check for new postings daily starting Jan 1st, 2011.
-Video Tutorials on:
Nail Art
and so much more!!!!