Sunday, May 30, 2010

What a beautiful day!

Well today was a great day. I went to church this morning got in a good word from a guest pastor. I have to say that having a relationship with God is very important. I don't know where I would be in my life without my Father in heaven. I know sometimes days can be hard and troubled but I believe that God is alway with us and if we are patient and allow God to move through in our life the way he desires we could all be more strong in spirit.

To have a relationship with God is to have: Belief, Trust, Faith, Love, Desire, Compassion, Willingness, Understanding, Strength and so much more. We have to have his words in our heart with us and just that alone can bring you peacw in any situation!Today was good though. I spent some time with my mother. My father came down and we hung out with my brothers. It was fun. I had some "Graeters Ice Cream" I guess I need to blog about what I had to eat each I seem to really scream for ice cream. It was yummy!!!

Now I am off relaxing at home. I have tomorrow off for memorial day. Lets all remember our loved ones! You all have a blessed day.
For all you Mothers out there I just saw a commercial for a website for mothers it is where you can get together and talk with other mothers and it looks like a great site. You should check it out. Even if your planning to become a mother it has great tips. Don't you guys just love me? I always find some cool stuff!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Wishing Everyone A Blessed Day

I hope that everyone has a great day. I'm up way to early and then I will be so sleep later on today. I'm glad that I have a short day because I have some grocery shopping I need to do. What is a must have item that you buy every time you go to the grocery store?
For myself I think generally I am always looking for strawberries. I love them so much. I love strawberry cup cakes. Ok. Some great information is coming later today and through out the weekend.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Free Cool Online Diary Tool

I was searching online earlier for online diary because I normally write in my note book every day about what my world is like and sometimes I will think of things I would like to write about when I am on my PC-Lap Top and I put in a search and this cool site came up that offers you to have a free account to type your thoughts that are personal.
I was so excited to be able to share this with you. They have another little plan where you can personalize your themes to your journal entry and stuff but I'm simple and also cheap so the free account works for me. I like it and I created a dairy entry this evening you should check it out. It's really neat.

Monday, May 24, 2010

So much information coming up.

Hello everyone. Sorry I have been offline for a few days. Been so busy!!!! I had a beautiful birthday. My mother surprised me with a great cake and so did my father. I had a good time just relaxing at home. My friends came over Saturday and we had a great time girl talking until like 4 am or longer. It was fun. My BEST PAL Brittney whom is my blogger writer on our blog sent me a beautiful card with guess what? A gift card to pizza hut.

I have not used it yet. I will save it for some me time I'm planning in a few weeks. I did pamper myself the day after my birthday. I got my hair done, nails and went shopping for some really nice Christian books. I love inspirational books. Sunday I went to church. I love my church. I'm growing in my faith as a Christian and it's a beautiful feeling. We have some great topics coming up that will help you earn some extra money possible and just neat ideas with children and etc. So don't be scared join our sweet site and be informed by great people. We welcome all questions and comments and if you would like us to post something for you don't hesitate to email us. We love people and do things for all people.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy 28th Birthday Zaundra

Happy birthday to me. I am 28 years old today thank you Jesus. Look at this beautiful cake my mother got me. To sweet.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Zaundra's Fried Chicken Classic

My dinner for the evening. Fried chicken, Broccoli, and Biscuits with Mt.Dew. I'm Dewin the "white out" this time man it's good!!!

Strawberry Breakfast by: Zaundra (Z)

I had a strawberry breakfast. Pretty good. Strawberry waffles with maple syrup. Juice E plump fresh strawberries with cream and a glass of strawberry milk. How about that? And yes you do see a paper plate because I don't feel like washing a lot of dishes this morning.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zaundra's Sweet Fat Feet...

YES! My feet are fat because imma chunky girl but guess who did dem feet right there? Me.
Z a u n d r a.
Book your next apt. With Z sweets nails. Lol. Just testing my blog from my cell to add pics. God bless u.

Well I have decided to order a new DELL laptop. Hopefully the motherboard will not burn out. Had a bad experience before.

So I was having a blast blog N adding things and BAM! Like EMERIL my pc froze. Ugh! Why oh why me. Thank goodness for my cell phone I can blog from it.

I guess technology is great after all. Lol. I will be blogging from a new PINK laptop soon. Go me? Ugh wait is there really gonna be no interest for 9 months? Well off to call DELL and get some clarification. Ok really I am signing off. Have a sweet night.

I'm officially Addicted to the NeW DeW!

Oh my goodness. Last weekend my mother and I went yard selling. While we were out it the heat we stoped to get a cold beverage at Walgreens. (OMG my favorite little store)

I saw they had 3 new Mountain Dews so I grabbed one called "White Out" and another I just had to be the first to try it called "Typhoon"
Oh my goodness they are both really good. The white out is more like a citrus flavor and the Typhoon is like a tropical punch which I just had a crisp ice cold glass full.

I mean the flavor really hits all over your palate (
is that how you spell that, you know its dealing with your taste buds and all that?)

Right now you can go to there site and vote on the new dews.
I think they should keep them all just so we can have a variety of new soda flavors but by far I love the Yum Gulp( sorry had to grab another one)...... "

You must go out and try the new DEW's
. It is da balm!!!! While your at it get you a new Dew for you hair too. I really need a wash and set or something. Welp I have added the link go vote before it's to late. I'm cup caking it out...Have a sweet night.

Friday, May 14, 2010

With if today was not so hot outside?

Well I woke up early this morning. I had to have the pup at the groomers at 8am. If you did not know I have a dog name Chyance whom I adore. A energetic Bichon Frise' that is really high maintenance.

This picture above is what Chyance normally looks like but actually his hair grew out way longer than this picture...anyways somewhat BEFORE. I will add the after later this evening.
This is Chyance on his 1 year old birthday.(He is 3 now) For some reason he has always looked older.... He is my stinkyyyy. I love me some Chyance.

He had to get all of his hair shaved today BECAUSE things don't work out when it is time for him to be groomed. I will post pics of before and after. So today I did a lot of walking because everything is so near. I enjoyed doing a little shopping but it was soooooo hot outside?

Then I heard thunder with no rain or lightning so I don't know how to take the day. It's still beautiful because God created a wonderful world but wowzer it's hot....

Well I must go I have a lot to do today... you all enjoy your day and check back with us frequently because we are constantly adding new information to this beautiful sweet blog!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Introducing Pink Cupp Cakess

Hello. My name is Zaundra and I live in Kentucky. I love writing and creating fun things for girls. Okay I love Boys I love pink and I love cup cakes!!! I thought I would start a brand new blog with fun information from how my day is going to news, recipes, Hollywood, pets, fashion, inspirational passages and more. This is a blog where every one can come to and relax and just find fun things to read and talk about. I have a couple friends that will be posting fun things as well under our different categories. Great ready to have some fun and find some great resources.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

What a beautiful day!

Posted by Zaundra at 3:30 PM 0 comments

Well today was a great day. I went to church this morning got in a good word from a guest pastor. I have to say that having a relationship with God is very important. I don't know where I would be in my life without my Father in heaven. I know sometimes days can be hard and troubled but I believe that God is alway with us and if we are patient and allow God to move through in our life the way he desires we could all be more strong in spirit.

To have a relationship with God is to have: Belief, Trust, Faith, Love, Desire, Compassion, Willingness, Understanding, Strength and so much more. We have to have his words in our heart with us and just that alone can bring you peacw in any situation!Today was good though. I spent some time with my mother. My father came down and we hung out with my brothers. It was fun. I had some "Graeters Ice Cream" I guess I need to blog about what I had to eat each I seem to really scream for ice cream. It was yummy!!!

Now I am off relaxing at home. I have tomorrow off for memorial day. Lets all remember our loved ones! You all have a blessed day.
For all you Mothers out there I just saw a commercial for a website for mothers it is where you can get together and talk with other mothers and it looks like a great site. You should check it out. Even if your planning to become a mother it has great tips. Don't you guys just love me? I always find some cool stuff!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Wishing Everyone A Blessed Day

Posted by Zaundra at 4:29 AM 0 comments
I hope that everyone has a great day. I'm up way to early and then I will be so sleep later on today. I'm glad that I have a short day because I have some grocery shopping I need to do. What is a must have item that you buy every time you go to the grocery store?
For myself I think generally I am always looking for strawberries. I love them so much. I love strawberry cup cakes. Ok. Some great information is coming later today and through out the weekend.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Free Cool Online Diary Tool

Posted by Zaundra at 7:08 PM 0 comments
I was searching online earlier for online diary because I normally write in my note book every day about what my world is like and sometimes I will think of things I would like to write about when I am on my PC-Lap Top and I put in a search and this cool site came up that offers you to have a free account to type your thoughts that are personal.
I was so excited to be able to share this with you. They have another little plan where you can personalize your themes to your journal entry and stuff but I'm simple and also cheap so the free account works for me. I like it and I created a dairy entry this evening you should check it out. It's really neat.

Monday, May 24, 2010

So much information coming up.

Posted by Zaundra at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Hello everyone. Sorry I have been offline for a few days. Been so busy!!!! I had a beautiful birthday. My mother surprised me with a great cake and so did my father. I had a good time just relaxing at home. My friends came over Saturday and we had a great time girl talking until like 4 am or longer. It was fun. My BEST PAL Brittney whom is my blogger writer on our blog sent me a beautiful card with guess what? A gift card to pizza hut.

I have not used it yet. I will save it for some me time I'm planning in a few weeks. I did pamper myself the day after my birthday. I got my hair done, nails and went shopping for some really nice Christian books. I love inspirational books. Sunday I went to church. I love my church. I'm growing in my faith as a Christian and it's a beautiful feeling. We have some great topics coming up that will help you earn some extra money possible and just neat ideas with children and etc. So don't be scared join our sweet site and be informed by great people. We welcome all questions and comments and if you would like us to post something for you don't hesitate to email us. We love people and do things for all people.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy 28th Birthday Zaundra

Posted by Zaundra at 4:47 PM 0 comments

Happy birthday to me. I am 28 years old today thank you Jesus. Look at this beautiful cake my mother got me. To sweet.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Zaundra's Fried Chicken Classic

Posted by Zaundra at 6:54 PM 0 comments

My dinner for the evening. Fried chicken, Broccoli, and Biscuits with Mt.Dew. I'm Dewin the "white out" this time man it's good!!!

Strawberry Breakfast by: Zaundra (Z)

Posted by Zaundra at 8:04 AM 0 comments

I had a strawberry breakfast. Pretty good. Strawberry waffles with maple syrup. Juice E plump fresh strawberries with cream and a glass of strawberry milk. How about that? And yes you do see a paper plate because I don't feel like washing a lot of dishes this morning.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zaundra's Sweet Fat Feet...

Posted by Zaundra at 8:31 PM 0 comments

YES! My feet are fat because imma chunky girl but guess who did dem feet right there? Me.
Z a u n d r a.
Book your next apt. With Z sweets nails. Lol. Just testing my blog from my cell to add pics. God bless u.
Posted by Zaundra at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Well I have decided to order a new DELL laptop. Hopefully the motherboard will not burn out. Had a bad experience before.

So I was having a blast blog N adding things and BAM! Like EMERIL my pc froze. Ugh! Why oh why me. Thank goodness for my cell phone I can blog from it.

I guess technology is great after all. Lol. I will be blogging from a new PINK laptop soon. Go me? Ugh wait is there really gonna be no interest for 9 months? Well off to call DELL and get some clarification. Ok really I am signing off. Have a sweet night.

I'm officially Addicted to the NeW DeW!

Posted by Zaundra at 7:11 PM 0 comments

Oh my goodness. Last weekend my mother and I went yard selling. While we were out it the heat we stoped to get a cold beverage at Walgreens. (OMG my favorite little store)

I saw they had 3 new Mountain Dews so I grabbed one called "White Out" and another I just had to be the first to try it called "Typhoon"
Oh my goodness they are both really good. The white out is more like a citrus flavor and the Typhoon is like a tropical punch which I just had a crisp ice cold glass full.

I mean the flavor really hits all over your palate (
is that how you spell that, you know its dealing with your taste buds and all that?)

Right now you can go to there site and vote on the new dews.
I think they should keep them all just so we can have a variety of new soda flavors but by far I love the Yum Gulp( sorry had to grab another one)...... "

You must go out and try the new DEW's
. It is da balm!!!! While your at it get you a new Dew for you hair too. I really need a wash and set or something. Welp I have added the link go vote before it's to late. I'm cup caking it out...Have a sweet night.

Friday, May 14, 2010

With if today was not so hot outside?

Posted by Zaundra at 9:36 AM 0 comments

Well I woke up early this morning. I had to have the pup at the groomers at 8am. If you did not know I have a dog name Chyance whom I adore. A energetic Bichon Frise' that is really high maintenance.
This picture above is what Chyance normally looks like but actually his hair grew out way longer than this picture...anyways somewhat BEFORE. I will add the after later this evening.
This is Chyance on his 1 year old birthday.(He is 3 now) For some reason he has always looked older.... He is my stinkyyyy. I love me some Chyance.

He had to get all of his hair shaved today BECAUSE things don't work out when it is time for him to be groomed. I will post pics of before and after. So today I did a lot of walking because everything is so near. I enjoyed doing a little shopping but it was soooooo hot outside?

Then I heard thunder with no rain or lightning so I don't know how to take the day. It's still beautiful because God created a wonderful world but wowzer it's hot....

Well I must go I have a lot to do today... you all enjoy your day and check back with us frequently because we are constantly adding new information to this beautiful sweet blog!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Introducing Pink Cupp Cakess

Posted by Zaundra at 5:10 AM 0 comments

Hello. My name is Zaundra and I live in Kentucky. I love writing and creating fun things for girls. Okay I love Boys I love pink and I love cup cakes!!! I thought I would start a brand new blog with fun information from how my day is going to news, recipes, Hollywood, pets, fashion, inspirational passages and more. This is a blog where every one can come to and relax and just find fun things to read and talk about. I have a couple friends that will be posting fun things as well under our different categories. Great ready to have some fun and find some great resources.