Monday, May 24, 2010

So much information coming up.

Hello everyone. Sorry I have been offline for a few days. Been so busy!!!! I had a beautiful birthday. My mother surprised me with a great cake and so did my father. I had a good time just relaxing at home. My friends came over Saturday and we had a great time girl talking until like 4 am or longer. It was fun. My BEST PAL Brittney whom is my blogger writer on our blog sent me a beautiful card with guess what? A gift card to pizza hut.

I have not used it yet. I will save it for some me time I'm planning in a few weeks. I did pamper myself the day after my birthday. I got my hair done, nails and went shopping for some really nice Christian books. I love inspirational books. Sunday I went to church. I love my church. I'm growing in my faith as a Christian and it's a beautiful feeling. We have some great topics coming up that will help you earn some extra money possible and just neat ideas with children and etc. So don't be scared join our sweet site and be informed by great people. We welcome all questions and comments and if you would like us to post something for you don't hesitate to email us. We love people and do things for all people.


Monday, May 24, 2010

So much information coming up.

Posted by Zaundra at 7:26 PM
Hello everyone. Sorry I have been offline for a few days. Been so busy!!!! I had a beautiful birthday. My mother surprised me with a great cake and so did my father. I had a good time just relaxing at home. My friends came over Saturday and we had a great time girl talking until like 4 am or longer. It was fun. My BEST PAL Brittney whom is my blogger writer on our blog sent me a beautiful card with guess what? A gift card to pizza hut.

I have not used it yet. I will save it for some me time I'm planning in a few weeks. I did pamper myself the day after my birthday. I got my hair done, nails and went shopping for some really nice Christian books. I love inspirational books. Sunday I went to church. I love my church. I'm growing in my faith as a Christian and it's a beautiful feeling. We have some great topics coming up that will help you earn some extra money possible and just neat ideas with children and etc. So don't be scared join our sweet site and be informed by great people. We welcome all questions and comments and if you would like us to post something for you don't hesitate to email us. We love people and do things for all people.

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