Friday, May 14, 2010

With if today was not so hot outside?

Well I woke up early this morning. I had to have the pup at the groomers at 8am. If you did not know I have a dog name Chyance whom I adore. A energetic Bichon Frise' that is really high maintenance.

This picture above is what Chyance normally looks like but actually his hair grew out way longer than this picture...anyways somewhat BEFORE. I will add the after later this evening.
This is Chyance on his 1 year old birthday.(He is 3 now) For some reason he has always looked older.... He is my stinkyyyy. I love me some Chyance.

He had to get all of his hair shaved today BECAUSE things don't work out when it is time for him to be groomed. I will post pics of before and after. So today I did a lot of walking because everything is so near. I enjoyed doing a little shopping but it was soooooo hot outside?

Then I heard thunder with no rain or lightning so I don't know how to take the day. It's still beautiful because God created a wonderful world but wowzer it's hot....

Well I must go I have a lot to do today... you all enjoy your day and check back with us frequently because we are constantly adding new information to this beautiful sweet blog!


Friday, May 14, 2010

With if today was not so hot outside?

Posted by Zaundra at 9:36 AM

Well I woke up early this morning. I had to have the pup at the groomers at 8am. If you did not know I have a dog name Chyance whom I adore. A energetic Bichon Frise' that is really high maintenance.
This picture above is what Chyance normally looks like but actually his hair grew out way longer than this picture...anyways somewhat BEFORE. I will add the after later this evening.
This is Chyance on his 1 year old birthday.(He is 3 now) For some reason he has always looked older.... He is my stinkyyyy. I love me some Chyance.

He had to get all of his hair shaved today BECAUSE things don't work out when it is time for him to be groomed. I will post pics of before and after. So today I did a lot of walking because everything is so near. I enjoyed doing a little shopping but it was soooooo hot outside?

Then I heard thunder with no rain or lightning so I don't know how to take the day. It's still beautiful because God created a wonderful world but wowzer it's hot....

Well I must go I have a lot to do today... you all enjoy your day and check back with us frequently because we are constantly adding new information to this beautiful sweet blog!

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